Thinking & Feeling

“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.” Horace Walpole

Wednesday 15 March 2006

and now for something completely different...

In completely unrelated news, it seems my left big toe nail is going to fall off!

I noticed it was a bit odd a while ago, and then noticed a ridge, and thought it was just a ding, or from an over zealous (infrequent) pedicure attempt by me. But now I see that it's not even attached to my toe along its entire RHS and about half-way across and half-way down. *Yikes*

I Googled it briefly last night, and found that toe nail trauma is a common side effect of running (I have just passed the 550km mark now, since mid-September 2005!). Some of the tales of woe I found are pretty gorey and revolting! I guess I should be glad that I have had no associated pain or bleeding - but still.

I am hoping it will grow out a lot more before it comes away completely. Allowing time for the new one to grow in better. I am avoiding fiddling with it, and have painted my toenails several times in an attempt to 'glue it down'.

I flinch whenever I imagine it catching on something and tearing off!

1 comment:

  1. WTG on all that running....the toe nail thing doesn't sound too nice though!
